Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2015)                   johe 2015, 2(2): 43-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Khandan M, Hosseinzadeh Z, Sakhaei Z, Momenian S, Koohpaei A. The relationship between job satisfaction and general health in workers and workplace accidents in medium-scale industries. johe 2015; 2 (2) :43-51
URL: http://johe.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-109-en.html
1- Qom university of medical sciences
2- , koohpaei@muq.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8633 Views)

Background & objective: Job satisfaction and high levels of general health in workers can lead to their better performance, the reduction of workplace accidents and ultimately the improved productivity of the organization. The present study was therefore conducted to assess the relationship between these variables and the incidence of workplace accidents in medium-scale industries in 2014-15.

Methods: : The entire population of workers in three medium-scale industries (n=163) entered the study. Data collection was conducted using Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire containing items on age, gender and the number of workplace accidents. The data obtained were then analyzed in SPSS-20 using the multiple-linear and the Poisson regression models. 

Results: The general health scores obtained by the participants ranged from 4 to 68 and had a mean and standard deviation of 25.87±13.085. The job satisfaction scores obtained ranged from 31 to 100 and had a mean and standard deviation of 63.45±11.462. The Poisson regression model showed that the level of education, age, physical symptoms and anxiety and insomnia had a significant relationship with the rate of accidents (P<0.05). The model also showed a significant relationship between job satisfaction and general health ( =-0.417 and P =0.001). 

Conclusion: The general health of the study participants can be said to be unacceptable and their job satisfaction to be medium. Devising plans for controlling and improving psychological and psycho-social factors such as job satisfaction is essential for workplace decision-makers, particularly in small and medium-scale industries. These plans can facilitate the achievement of higher health and safety levels in workers.

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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Ergonomics

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