About the journal

 | Post date: 2014/10/27 | 

About the journal:

The Journal of occupational hygiene engineering (JOHE) is a quarterly open access journal published by Hamadan University of medical science. All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. The JOHE publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, technical note, field studies, and letters to the editor. This Journal covers high quality researches concerning factors influencing occupational health in workplaces. It welcomes any manuscripts dealing with occupational problems, with a special interest in research at the interface of occupational health. We invite you to online submission of your manuscript(s) through http://johe.umsha.ac.ir. The first issue of JOHE was published in the spring 2014 which is available online for free via the website.

Currently, JOHE is indexed Google Scholars.

Publisher: Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA)
Scientific Supporter:  Occupational Health & Safety Research Center, UMSHA

Chairman: Dr . Iraj Mohammadfam 

Editor in chief: Dr. Farshid Ghorbani Shahna

Managing editor: Dr. Majid Habibi Mohraz

Statistical AdvisorDr. Maryam Farhadian

Editorial Assisstant: Maryam Zareie

Co-Publisher: Zamen Salamati Institute.

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