Background: Knowledge management is the process of using knowledge to achieve intended purposes. Since there are extremely high health, safety and environmental risks in healthcare system, knowledge management not only helps the patient health, but also improves the health and safety of healthcare workers through using proper information and experiences.
Methods: In this study, a questionnaire with 11 key questions was developed, Then for the evaluation of validity and consistency of the primarily questionnaire, Inter Rate Agreement and Cronbach α coefficient were used. Finally based on information collected, data was done by the binominal test with SPSS-22 software.
Results: The relevancy (92.7%) and clarity (91.8%) were found to be acceptable, the questionnaire was internally consistent (α=0.7) and the results of binominal test showed that all questions were accepted (up to 75% for each) by the experts.
Conclusion: Although knowledge management is a new area in our country, it is important applying new and beneficial patterns in various aspects of activities like HSE management. Based on obtained results, in can be concluded that the introduced questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for using in workplace processes.