Volume 1, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)                   johe 2014, 1(2): 57-66 | Back to browse issues page

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1- , mohammadfam@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7866 Views)

 Background & Objectives : Idnetifying causes of occupational accidents is a key issue to prevent these accidents. The present study aimed to identify and analyze debilitating accidents in the construction industry during a two-year period ( 2010 - 2011 years) .

 Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study. The study data included information about all debilitating accidents occurred within two years. Data collection was performed according to the accident report forms in construction sites. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 16. The level of significance was considered as P=0.05.

 Results: The mean age and job experience of injured people were 27.95±6.95 and 2.34±2.00 years, respectively. Most injuries to people were reported in hand (35.4%), legs (28.3%) and back (20.4%). Most of accident types were respectively related to slipping and falling (26.1%), throwing objects (21.7%), falls (18.6%), abrasion (16.8%) and clash (16.4%). Moreover, the main causes of accidents were related to lack of housekeeping (97.3%), lack of proper training (85.8%), lack of PPE (73.0%), unsafe acts (63.3%), unsafe conditions (32.3%) and equipment (22.6%).

Conclusion: Analyzing causes of disabling accidents in the construction industry showed that important factors in these accidents included lack of housekeeping, failure to provide proper training, lack of suitable PPE, unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and equipment for the construction jobs

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Type of Study: Research Article | Subject: Safety

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